Lord Frey, I have made an offering in 3 parts to give, to offer sacrifice, to send energy into the lands of my ancestors, I beseech you great Lord Frey, please except my humble offerings and show me a sign that you are with me, grant me fertility in love, fertility in marriage,fertility in passion, fertility in home & heart to be succesful, please help me Lord Frey.
For this, I celebrate your blessings, your presence in my life and your abundant life power each day in my home, my heart and my life, a temple is to be erected to praise and honor you with each season, my heart knows only love for you from beyond this life into all future lives, eternally yours great Frey xox xox xox
Lit Tue November 05, 2013Hail Frey!
Hail Frey!
Lit Sun November 03, 2013Frey, please help...
Frey, please help to find passionate, prosperous new love quickly please before I become too old.
For this, I will honor, love and cherish you now as always in my heart and in my life great Lord frey please help me I am your child, I love you eternally.