Hail Frey! great lord hear my prayers, I am worthy, I am devoted, I am loving, bring me a new man please, a friend, a lover, a soul mate, to share strenght, love, ecstasy, to share life within give and take of equal measure, help
love find me Lord Frey I call your magick now.
For this, I am eternally yours in loving gratitude and praise, I honor you within all means possible within my life Lord Frey, I remain stong to your devotion, I honor and praise you eternally lord Frey, help me please as I am worthy, loyal and filled with loving to give and to receive, make it so, I wait for your signs Lord Frey with vigilence.
Lit Wed January 01, 2014Hail Frey!
Hail Frey!
Lit Wed January 01, 2014Hail Frey!
Hail Ingvi Freyr!
Lit Tue December 31, 2013Thank you Frey, for...
Thank you Frey, for your shining presence and I wish your light stay over me forever. Love always!
Lit Tue December 31, 2013Frey, please help...
Frey, please help make 2014 a blessed and good year.
For this, I will step out of my comfort zone more, and learn and explore more about my spirituality.