I feel that I understand you on a level that I don't understand the Others. I feel that we have both made mistakes that we deeply regret and have been outcasted outside of light for them.
Praise you Hoder, may you and I both find our way.
Lit Sat April 05, 2014Hail Hoder!
Hail Hoder!
Lit Sat April 05, 2014Hail Hoder!
Hail Hoder!
Lit Wed April 02, 2014Hail Hoder!
Hail Hoder!
Lit Fri March 14, 2014Hail Hoder!
Hail Hoder!
Lit Thu February 06, 2014Hail Hoder!
Hail Hoder!
Lit Mon January 20, 2014Hail Hoder!
Hail Hoder!
Lit Thu November 28, 2013Hoder, please help...
Hoder, please help me to understand the message of your dream visit. I don't think I remember all I should of it, being sick right now. Send the message or visit again, please, "Lord of Darkness and Silence"? I will do my best to understand.