Hail Andvari, Great Lord of Wealth!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.
Lit Thu November 17, 2022Hail Andvari!
Hail Andvari, Great Smith of Nidavellir!
Lit Sun November 13, 2022Hail Andvari!
Hail Andvari, Noble Lord of Deep Places!
Hail to the Great Dvergr-Lord.
Thank You Andvari, for strength to do my work,for reminding me to stay true to myself.
May You ever be praised.
Lit Fri November 11, 2022Thank you Andvari, for...
Hail Andvari, Great Lord of Wealth!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.
Hail Andvari, Great Smith of Nidavellir!
Hail to the Dvergar-Lord, whose hands bring forth the wealth of the forge.
As I am poised on the edge of a breakthrough, I am so thankful for your help and guidance. Even when I am in the midst of confusion and I don't know the way, I sense your presence. Assist me with your insight and guide me in your ways of wealth, worth and integrity. Thank you!
Lit Sun November 06, 2022Hail Andvari!
Hail Andvari, Great Smith of Nidavellir!
Hail to the Dvergar-Lord, whose hands bring forth the wealth of the forge.
Lit Sat November 05, 2022Thank you Andvari, for...
Hail Andvari, Great Smith of Nidavellir!
Thank you Andvari, for being beside me always, my friend and teacher.
Lit Sun October 30, 2022Thank you Andvari, for...
Thank you Andvari, за твою помощь мне!!!
Lit Sun October 30, 2022Hail Andvari!
Hail Andvari, Great Smith of Nidavellir!
Lit Sun October 23, 2022Hail Andvari!
Hail Andvari,Master Smith of Svartálfheimr dephts!
Blessed is the metal crafted by Your hands.
Thank You for Your lessons of worth and wealth.
Lit Sat October 22, 2022Thank you Andvari, for...
Thank you Andvari, for supporting me in all that I do and teaching me the ways of integrity, wealth and worth. I am so thankful for you.