The Rite of Yggdrasil
This ritual was developed for presenting to a large group at a mixed Neo-Pagan conference. It’s a fairly large and elaborate rite, with a lot of props. We decided that the best thing would be a ritual that was easy to follow, had a good deal of participation but none that required specialized knowledge, and would be educational, teaching people who have little experience with Norse cosmology something that they could take home. As it turned out, the folks who were already Northern Tradition Pagans loved it as well.
Before the ritual, a large table was placed in the center with nine different altars around it, symbolizing the Nine Worlds. Each altar had a few items that symbolized that world (which can be temporarily donated by members of the group if necessary), a bowl of “blessing tokens” (small glass blobs in a particular color), a large candle (in the same color), some tokens symbolizing each world’s vice, and some method by which the vice token could be destroyed. (While I discuss each of these separately below, I have also included a checklist for each world at the end for the officiant’s use.) In the center was a representation of a tree, a horn of mead, a cup of juice, and the recaning sticks. Alternately, nine altars could be set up around the perimeter of the group, with a tenth one in the middle. It’s a matter of how the space works best.
This ritual involves the art of galdr, which is the power-singing of runes. One of the officiants needs to know how to galdr specific runes in the background while each part of the rite is going on, and should probably practice each of them beforehand if they are not experienced with this. We used two officiants, plus one helper who carried bowls of tokens around, helped participants with token destruction, and carried the horn and cup around afterwards.
When we first performed this rite, we didn’t know how many people we would get, and we were obliged to fit it into a slot only an hour and a half long. To save time, we decided to have around 30 blessing tokens (since handing them out was fairly quick) but only 9 vice tokens (since destroying them was a longer process). If you havea time constraint, this might be a good idea. If time is not a problem and you know how many people to expect, you could go through as many vice tokens as you like.
First, the recels are lit and the first officiant goes around recaning everyone with the smoke. During this, the second officiant welcomes everyone to the circle. An explanation of the rite can be given at this time, with more or less detail depending on the level of experience and knowledge of the participants. At the very least, the second officiant should say:
Each world has a gift, a blessing to give us, and each world has a vice that we must guard against. If you would receive the blessing of each world, take a blessing token when they are carried around the circle … but keep in mind that every blessing has a price, some deed of courage or generosity that you may be required to do in the future. If you find yourself struggling with the vice embodied in one of the worlds and you would cast it off, take a token of that vice, come forth and destroy it. But know that there are only nine of each, so this chance is given only to the brave and bold, those who come forth without hesitation. This inequity is often part of life, so be brave and bold!
The first officiant says:
Imagine a great World Tree, growing in the vast darkness of the Void, a great reservoir of Life in the darkness! It has a dragon at its roots and an eagle at its height. Imagine, like bright jewels in its branches, nine worlds that spin around it in a spiral, each one different, each one sacred in its own way. We begin at the top, in the Sky, where the light is brightest.
While this is said, the second officiant goes about and lights the nine candles on the altars. The first officiant goes to the first altar, on which burns a blue candle. We had laid here a horn, a sword, a small spear, a spindle, a Thor’s hammer, and a bowl of blue glass tokens. The vice tokens for this altar are nine feathers, and next to them is a bowl of mud. The first officiant says:
Hail to Asgard, the realm of the Aesir, the blessed heavenly Gods! Here are the Gods and wights of war and peace, of civilization and knowledge. Their blessing is Glory, the ability to Win, the gift of Victory, the ability to see what you want and reach for it, to make it manifest! Would you have this blessing?
The bowl of blue glass tokens is carried around while the first officiant galdrs the rune Ansuz. The second officiant says:
The vice of Asgard is Pride and Arrogance. When one is usually the winner, it is often easy to become too proud and head for a fall. If this is your vice, come forward and take one of the bright feathers, and bring it down to earth … by burying it in the mud.
Those who will, come forth and do so, while the first officiant galdrs the rune Sigil. Then the first officiant moves to the second altar, on which burns a lavender candle. We had laid here a silver chalice filled with glittering glass fruit, and other shiny and illusory items, including a bowl of iridescent glass tokens. The vice tokens for this altar are nine butterflies cut of beautiful tissue paper, and under the altar is a prosaic plastic trash can. The first officiant says:
We move down the Path of the Tree. Hail to Ljossalfheim, the realm of the Light Elves! Here are the spirits of glamour and beauty. Their blessing is Imagination, the ability to see beauty and wonder in all things! Would you have this blessing?
The bowl of iridescent tokens is carried around while the first officiant galdrs the rune Wunjo. The second officiant says:
The vice of Ljossalfheim is Deception and Lies. While glamour can create beauty, it can also cover up the ugly truth. If this is your vice, come forth and take this tissue of Lies … and tear it up and throw it away.
Those who will, come forth and do so, while the first officiant galdrs the rune Thorn. Then the first officiant moves to the third altar, on which burns a green candle. We had laid here a sheaf of wheat, a golden boar, a china cow, wooden fish, a little wax beehive, some bread, and a bowl of green glass tokens. The vice tokens for this altar are nine shards of tasteless crackers, a dark version of the wholesome bread of Vanaheim. The first officiant says:
We continue down the Path of the Tree. Hail to Vanaheim, the home of the sacred Vanir! Here are the Gods and wights of earth and fertility. Their blessing is Passion, the love of the body, the pleasure of the world. Would you have this blessing?
The bowl of green tokens is carried around while the first officiant galdrs the rune Inguz. The second officiant says:
The vice of Vanaheim is Envy. It is forgetting how much you have while you covet what others have. Envy leads to inhospitality, to turning away the worthy and those in need. If this is your vice, come forth and take this dry bread … and eat it, choke it down and remember that the grass may be no greener in another yard.
Those who will, come forth and do so, while the first officiant galdrs the rune Gebo/Gyfu. Then the first officiant moves to the fourth altar, on which burns an orange candle. We had laid here a wolfskin, a reindeer skin, a stone-bladed knife, a mountain-shaped stone, an antler, and a bowl of brown glass tokens. The vice tokens for this altar are a plate of small clay shapes, freshly molded. Each of them is different, and none of them make sense. The first officiant says:
We continue down the Path of the Tree. Hail to Jotunheim, the home of the shapechanging giant-race! Here are the Gods and wights of the elements, the plants and animals, the forbidding mountains and deep caves and dark forests. Their blessing is Individuality, for each of them is different, and each follows their own path without hesitation. Would you have this blessing?
The bowl of brown tokens is carried around while the first officiant galdrs the rune Raido. The second officiant says:
The vice of Jotunheim is Chaos. When individuality is the highest good, no one can come together peacefully, and chaos reigns in one’s life. If you would rid your life of chaos, come forth and take this token … and smash them flat, one onto the other.
Those who will, come forth and do so, while the first officiant galdrs the rune Hagalaz. Then the first officiant moves to the fifth altar, on which burns a candle the color of flesh. We had laid here a tiny cottage, figures of people dancing, an abalone shell holding a discarded snakeskin, and a bowl of beige glass tokens. The vice tokens for this altar are a bowl of seeds - we used beans because they are large. The first officiant says:
We continue down the Path of the Tree. Hail to Midgard, the world of Humankind. Here, halfway down the Tree, poised below Roots and Sky, humans live and die and love and make our errors. The blessing of Midgard is Community, for here we are together, making a circle of protection and caring with each other. Would you have this blessing?
The bowl of beige tokens is carried around the circle while the first officiant galdrs the rune Mannaz. The second officiant says:
The vice of Midgard is Conformity. We humans, in our search for the perfect community, often cast out those who are different and silence the voices of dissent … and sometimes we are silenced, through our own fear. If you would break free of these chains, come forth and take this seed … and carry it far away, and plant it alone where there is nothing like it, and help it to grow alone.
Those who will, come forth and do so, while the first officiant galdrs the rune Eihwaz. Then the first officiant moves to the sixth altar, on which burns a red candle. We had laid here a metal bowl with several votive candles (which were now lit), a piece of Icelandic volcanic rock, a fire-making kit, and a bowl of red glass tokens. The vice tokens for this altar are red paper “flames”, meant to be burned in the flames of the votive candles. The first officiant says:
We continue down the Path of the Tree. Hail to Muspellheim, the World of Fire. Here are the Gods and Wights of flame and dance. Their blessing is Energy, the vitality that gives motion. Would you have this blessing?
The bowl of red tokens is carried around the circle while the first officiant galdrs the rune Kenaz. The second officiant says:
The vice of Muspellheim is Rage. Fire is also anger, which destroys all in its wake. If this is your vice, come forth and take this token, and burn it in the flames of Muspellheim.
Those who will, come forth and do so, while the first officiant galdrs the rune Cweorth. Then the first officiant moves to the seventh altar, on which burns a golden candle. We had laid here an anvil with a hammer, wrought iron tools and steel blades, and a bowl of gold glass tokens. The vice tokens for this altar are decorative cookies sprayed gold with spray paint - we used Pepperidge Farm Chessmen for their beauty. It was once food, now it is only decorative. The first officiant says:
We continue down the Path of the Tree. Hail to Svartalfheim, Nidavellir, the home of the Duergar. Here are the wights of craft and skill, and this is their blessing - the ability to Make, the gift of creativity. Would you have this blessing?
The bowl of gold tokens is carried around the circle while the first officiant galdrs the rune Yr. The second officiant says:
The vice of Svartalfheim is Greed, and Materialism. Do you really need those trappings of wealth? Is that extra money really worth losing time with your loved ones, with your own path? Do you own your possessions, or do they possess you? If this is your vice, come forth and take this token, and smash it on the anvil with the hammer.
Those who will, come forth and do so, while the first officiant galdrs the rune Fehu. Then the first officiant moves to the eighth table, on which burns a white candle. We had laid here a crystal bowl of water, many clear/white stones (such as Iceland spar), silver snowflakes, and a bowl of white glass tokens. The vice tokens for this altar are large grains of rock salt. The first officiant says:
We continue down the Path of the Tree. Hail to Niflheim, the world of Ice, of many waters, of mists. Here are the wights of weather and wind, of the primal Ice Age. This is a hard world, and its blessing is Survival, the ability to live through any hardship. Would you have this blessing?
The bowl of white tokens is carried around the circle while the first officiant galdrs the rune Nauthiz/Nyth. The second officiant says:
The vice of Niflheim is Coldness,
the unwillingness to help another, the concentration on your own self and
survival until no one and nothing else matters. If this is your vice, come
forth and take this token, and drown it in the waters of Niflheim.
Those who will, come forth and do so, while the first officiant galdrs the rune Isa. Then the first officiant moves to the ninth altar, on which burns a black candle. We have laid here bones, skulls, tiny gravestones, a large flat bowl of earth, a pile of smooth stones, and a bowl of black glass tokens. The vice tokens for this altar are little paper corpses. The first officiant says:
We continue down the Path of the Tree. Hail to Helheim, the Realm of the Dead, the Root of the Tree. Here is the Goddess of Death, and all her collected souls, the Ancestors waiting to be reborn again. The blessing of this world is Peace. Would you have this blessing?
The bowl of black tokens is carried around the circle while the first officiant galdrs the rune Othila. The second officiant says:
The vice of Helheim is Apathy. You
care about nothing, nothing moves you, you lay there like the Dead and cannot
make any impact on the world. If this is your vice, come forth and take this
token, this small body. Bury it in the earth and place a stone upon it. Bury
them all together and make a cairn upon them.
Those who will, come forth and do so, while the first officiant galdrs the rune Ear. Then the second officiant stands forth and says:
We have walked the Tree from top to
bottom. We stand now in the Realm of the Ancestors. Now we will salute them! We
will pass the horn of mead and the cup of fruit’s blood, for those who would
take alcohol and those who would not. Toast to the ancestors of your blood, if
you will; speak their names. Toast to the ancestors of your spirit, if you
will; those who came before and who inspired you.
The cup and horn are passed, and the people toast to the Dead. Then the first officiant galdrs whatever they will, and the folk are sung out of the circle.
World Correspondences and Prop Checklist
Blessing: Glory
Blessing Rune: Ansuz
Vice: Pride, Arrogance
Vice Rune: Sigil
Candle Color: Blue
Blessing Token Color: Blue
Vice Token: Feather
Destruction Method: Stuck in mud
Props: Bowl of mud
Blessing: Imagination, Beauty
Blessing Rune: Wunjo
Vice: Lies, Deception
Vice Rune: Thorn
Candle Color: Lavender
Blessing Token Color: Iridescent
Vice Token: Tissue Paper Butterfly
Destruction Method: Shredding
Props: Trash can, under altar
Blessing: Passion
Blessing Rune: Inguz
Vice: Envy, Inhospitality
Vice Rune: Gyfu
Candle Color: Green
Blessing Token Color: Green
Vice Token: Dry cracker shard
Destruction Method: Eaten
Blessing: Individuality
Blessing Rune: Raido
Vice: Chaos
Vice Rune: Hagalaz
Candle Color: Brown
Blessing Token Color: Orange
Vice Token: Weird clay bit
Destruction Method: Smashed together
Props: Clay on plate
Blessing: Community
Blessing Rune: Mannaz
Vice: Conformity
Vice Rune: Eihwaz
Candle Color: Flesh
Blessing Token Color: Beige
Vice Token: Bean
Destruction Method: Taken away and planted
Blessing: Energy
Blessing Rune: Kenaz
Vice: Rage
Vice Rune: Cweorth
Candle Color: Red
Blessing Token Color: Red
Vice Token: Red paper “flames”
Destruction Method: Burning
Blessing: Skill, Focus
Blessing Rune: Yr
Vice: Greed, Materialism
Vice Rune: Fehu
Candle Color: Gold
Blessing Token Color: Gold
Vice Token: Crackers sprayed gold
Destruction Method: Smashed on anvil
Props: Anvil and hammer
Blessing: Survival
Blessing Rune: Nyth
Vice: Coldness, Mercilessness
Vice Rune: Isa
Candle Color: White
Blessing Token Color: Clear
Vice Token: Large grain rock salt
Destruction Method: Drowned in water
Props: Glass bowl of clear water
Blessing: Peace
Blessing Rune: Othila
Vice: Apathy
Vice Rune: Ear
Candle Color: Black
Blessing Token Color: Black
Vice Token: Tiny paper corpse
Destruction Method: Buried in earth
Props: Bowl of dirt