Hail Thunderer, Great Hearted Friend Thor hail to You!
Lit Mon October 30, 2023Hail Thor!
Hail Thor, Allmighty Champion of Asgard, Great Defender!
Lit Mon October 30, 2023Hail Thor!
Hail Thor!
Lit Thu October 26, 2023Hail Thor!
Hail Thor!
Lit Wed October 25, 2023Thank you Thor, for...
Thank you Thor, for your honesty above all things. And that you are the protector of the realm, you inspire me to try to simulate that which you do even as a weak man. I light this candle in honor of you God Thor that I may continue to follow in your path.
Lit Wed October 25, 2023Thank you Thor, for...
Thank you Thor, Great Protector, for my strength and my will. I have struggled much of late in keeping up with offerings and my words. I am grateful that I have continued to get stronger fitness wise and mentally. I have struggled to feel the presence of the gods, and I hope to earn that privilege once more. Your patience and your aid are very much appreciated, Lord Thunderer.
Lit Tue October 24, 2023Thor, please help...
Thor, please help
I need your strength and such to at least get to the middle of Novembe. I and my friends aren't talking much and it's taking a bit of a toll on my. Give me strength through this time so later on so I and my friends can feel close again in November or finally start at least talking more frantic again
Lit Tue October 24, 2023Hail Thor!
Hail Thor!Hail Thor, Allmighty Champion of Asgard, Great Defender!
Lit Sat October 21, 2023Thank you Thor, for...
Thank you Thor, for helping me finish my volunteer work.
- blessed be
Lit Thu October 19, 2023Thank you Thor, for...
Thank you Thor, for blessing me with Thurs, I will praise you every Thursday for as long as I remember!