May everyone on Midgard live a good life, before Valhalla and Ragnarok, til as ok fridar!
Hail Skadi!
Lit Fri October 27, 2017Skadi, please help...
Skadi, please help, grant my region snow this winter. Not even much snow just some.
For this, I will make offerings of meat, and arrows.
Lit Mon October 23, 2017Thank you Skadi, for...
Thank you SkaĆ°i, for being present in my life.
Lit Thu October 12, 2017Thank you Skadi, for...
Thank you Skadi, for helping my hunt for an apartment and a less soul-destroying job. I can breathe, survive, and prepare for winter. Hail the great huntress and giantess! Hail Skadi!
Lit Tue October 10, 2017Thank you Skadi, for...
Thank you Skadi, pour your!
Lit Thu October 05, 2017Thank you Skadi, for...
Thank you Skadi, for the many hunts I have had success at and for the ones that was not. For those were the ones I learned from the most!
Hail Skadi!
Lit Sat September 30, 2017Thank you Skadi, for...
Hail Skadi!
Lit Sat September 30, 2017Hail Skadi!
Hail Skadi!
Lit Fri September 29, 2017Thank you Skadi, for...
Thank you Skadi, for telling me to get off my fat ass and get physically fit.