Praise Skadi for the first snow fall of the new year.
Lit Sat January 11, 2020Hail Skadi!
Hail Skadi!
Lit Tue January 07, 2020Skadi, please help...
Skadi, please help I am lost.
I find myself in the middle of a divorce. Please guide me in the weeks to come, and help me discover where I belong in this world.
For this, I will bring honor to your name and educate others on your ways.
Lit Tue January 07, 2020Thank you Skadi, for...
Thank you Skadi, for starting me on this path.
Lit Sat December 28, 2019Thank you Skadi, for...
Thank you Skadi, for the snow, snae our Ec'h there . The Monts d'Arrée are a could mountain by you i know that we are blessed by you. Thanks Skadi.
-Veigsidhe Karvgwenn-
Lit Sat December 28, 2019Thank you Skadi, for...
Thank you Skadi, for your Guidance and your blessing everydays. And tothe 12 Nights of Yule this winter. Alù!
-Veigsidhe Karvgwenn-
Lit Thu December 19, 2019Hail Skadi!
Hail Skaði, Lady Winter, mighty giantess, Sister of Wolves, Hail Lady of Winter Mountains.
Lit Mon December 16, 2019Hail Skadi!
Hail Skadi, shining goddess of the snow; mighty giantess, sister of wolves, lady of the winter mountains.
Lit Sun December 15, 2019Thank you Skadi, for...
Thank you Skadi, for the beautiful winter you have already blessed us with! I cannot wait to take full advantage of the beautiful winter this year!