Offerings to Thrud
by OrderInTheQuartz
Thrud's name literally means "strength." This
is very appropriate for the daughter of Thor Himself. However, Her strength is
not necessarily that of a strong-armed warrior Goddess rushing into battle.
Rather, in Thrud, there is the strength of the rock outcropping or the fortress,
rooted down to the very core. Her strength is the sort that comes from the very
heart. It allows for deep emotion and feeling and indeed insists upon these.
Her gift is a true and genuine strength, not an adopted pretense assumed for
forcing a way through adversity. Like all the Norse Gods and Goddesses, Thrud
calls us toward authenticity.
Thrud has a quiet, gentle demeanor. She is compassionate and is usually soft-spoken: there is a sense about Her that this is because She does not need to raise Her voice. Underneath, there are currents of iron resolve and an absolute willingness to stand strong for those whom She loves. Home and the bonds of family and friendship are very important to Her. Like Her father, She can truly bless those who work or serve in a protective role.
Thrud is very much a Goddess of clear thoughts and speech. This makes sense in light of Her associations with chieftains. Muddled understandings and miscommunications are harmful to good leadership. It is worth noting that clarity and strength really do go together: when we speak of a strong color, for example, we mean that it is clear and undiluted. A strong coffee is uncompromising in its own essence; it is not watered down. Thrud encourages strength by being true to what is core in oneself. Her strength comes from a rightful inward focus, like that of a walled fortress buffered from inside, able to withstand gales and attacks.
There is a very down-to-earth and natural quality about Thrud. She is gently wise and gives beautiful advice. Her presence can fill the spirit with a deep and expansive joy.
Associated colors: Red and gold, per "Our Troth." She also seems to like warm amber, orange, and honey tones. Orange is a mix of the two colors associated with Her parents, again reflecting on Her devotion to Her family.
Offerings: Mead and flowers, especially flowers in the above colors. She very much appreciates lit beeswax candles, and She may enjoy oak leaves and trees too.
Artwork by OrderInTheQuartz. Stock photography by Kechake gallery, Mizzd gallery, and LuDa gallery.