Thank you Odin, for appearing in my life and for setting me on the long, hard road
Lit Sun October 20, 2013Hail Odin!
Hail to thee, who has lived in death. Hail to thee, who knows the mysteries. Hail to thee, Father of man and shaper of worlds. Hail to thee, charge of the Furious Hunt. Hail to thee, Valfather, Allfather. Hail to thee, keeper of hugin and mugin. Hail to thee, Othinn, chieftan of the Aesir and Conquerer of the Jotun. May your essence dance amongst the stars for all of time.
Lit Sat October 19, 2013Thank you Odin, for...
Thank you Odin, for the voices in the wind, the knowing in the blood, and friendship among kin.
Lit Sat October 19, 2013Thank you Odin, for...
Thank you Odin, for bringing parents of a Norse heritage to me..BB, FF
Lit Fri October 18, 2013Thank you Odin, for...
Thank you Odin, for all that I am and all that I will be
Lit Thu October 17, 2013Odin, please help...
Odin, please let me understand what it is you want of me.
Lit Thu October 17, 2013Hail Odin!
Hail Odin Allfather!
I offer up my fear of You that I might learn to love You.
Lit Thu October 17, 2013Hail Odin!
Hail Odin! Keeper of my life, my death, my heart and all that matters.
Lit Thu October 17, 2013Odin, please help...
Odin, help me win her back. Let me see inside myself and learn how to become a better man. Help me be strong enough for both myself and her.
For this, I will gladly give my life, not my death, but life. And that is more precious than anything I can offer.