Charms for Njord

fisherman1(Excerpted from the book Ingvi's Blessing: Prayers and Charms for Field and Farm)


For a Wooden Boat

Hail to the trees that gave their lives

And chose to adventure on the water with me,

May you bear me up bravely on the waves.

Hail to the Fisher-King, Goodfather Njord,

Lord of billowing white sails, lord of churning white wakes,

Saviour of mariners for many centuries,

Patron of poor fishermen who plumb the depths,

Blessing of every small boat on a river,

Bless this sea-steed that will bear me

Over the blue hills, down the blue roads,

Across the blue fields, through your silver herds.

Let her never sink, let her never buck,

Make her sure-footed as a fine mare

And tight as a locked cottage.

Bless my sail, my rudder, my masts,

Bless fore and aft, port and starboard.

Bless my boat, Vanaheim’s King,

With your gentle, skilful hands.


FinnishfishnetFor a Fishing-Net

Goodfather Njord, with knot and needle

I make this net to fish your waters,

Weight it well and fill it full

Of shining treasure tailed and finned.


For a Fishing-Float

The glass balls that are used to float nets are known as “Njord’s Eyes” among my Vanic friends, and cork floats are “Njord’s Fingerbones”. Here are two versions of a charm to bless them before lowering the net into the water.

Gentle gaze the Fish-King’s eyes,

High in the water and turn to the sky.


 Gfishingfloatentle grasp the Fish-King’s hands,

Haul up my nets from wave to sand.


 For A Fishing-Rod

Shepherd of Fishes, favour me.

I am a man sensible and strong

Of moral fibre and of worthy will,

Well I merit your gifts, so send

Silver-scaled supper to my line,

O Goodfather Njord who knows my need.