Thank you Njord, for ...
Hail to Njord and thank you for the bountiful seas, rivers and lakes that we might catch a bountiful feast and provide ourselves, families and friends with wondrous food.
Lit Mon March 10, 2014Hail Njord!
Hail Njord!
Lit Sat March 08, 2014Hail Njord!
Hail Njord!
Lit Fri March 07, 2014Hail Njord!
Hail Njord!
Lit Mon February 24, 2014Hail Njord!
Hail Njorðr!
Lit Fri February 21, 2014Thank you Njord, for...
Hail to you, Njord, who brings fresh fish and wealth to my city and state. Gratitude and praise, that we may never forget how you shielded our many ancestors across the sea to settle here in the shadow of the New Fjords of the Puget Sound.