Hail Njörd,Peace-Weaver!
Hail the Noble Lord of Nóatún!
Father Njörd,thank You for Your great grace and blessings.
May You ever be hailed.
Lit Tue February 21, 2023Hail Njord!
Hail Njord! Hail Njord! Hail Njord!
Lit Mon February 20, 2023Hail Njord!
Hail Njord! Hail Njord! Hail Njord!
Lit Wed February 15, 2023Hail Njord!
Hail Njörd,Elder Van,Bringer of Peace!
You came to Asgard, when blood lay warm on the battle-fields.
Please Wise One, Giver of Wealth,look kindly on those who call to you and keep us safe.
Thank You Njörd, for Your bounty, protection and wisdom.
May the memory of Your deeds again become known throughout Midgard!