More Dreams for Niorun
by Bethany Hodgkinson
I want Niorun to gather me in her arms and show me the swirling purple
ether- I want to walk the halls of her labyrinthine abode and familiarise
myself with a place I now only know from glimpses. I want to chat with her and
know her as a friend, and feel secure in her place and be loved and feel AWE,
always, even when waking, at her powers. I want to think on her every moment
and relish my sleep for I may be gifted by her again. I want to stroke her hair
and kiss her mouth to see if her lips taste of blackberries. I want to dance
and be awkward and step on her feet because I do not know the intricacies of
black elf measures. I want to sit with her in a library set in stone watching
sunsets over blue mountains, reading about the lore of some forgotten peoples.
I want to walk in a cape like hers, feel the swish of it on my ankles, the
mystery of a hood. I want to see worlds
sprung up from dust and stories woven from a snatch of conversation barely
heard from weeks ago. I want to give her the tang of my heart and all the silk
of my imagination, and gifts of crystal and
smithed things.
She remembers the pieces of HerSelf risen in bright youth, strong, intense, revered - the Battle Maiden Njorun.
Now, in the darkness of my heart, to cold and close to despair over you. Too entwined to see what has become of this waking thing, this terrible waking thing. What I see is not clear, but distorted, ever distorted, and my own brown country eyes cannot see such stars as a goddess can.
I touch you and burst into quiet sparks and you revel in my final fascinating light. I hold on though because earth never held such wonder. I don’t know why I feel this way for my mind and this life has not known you. Perhaps another. Perhaps you have been neglected for so long that one sympathetic glance sends you bursting with yourself. I do not know. This is sleep talking. My blood is chalcedony for you. I loved you when I first dreamt. I should not have fought off my nightmares for they night have made me stronger. I will accept any gift from you and try to remember it all. My sweet my love, my blackberry bush. Keep me tonight and we will twine though paths with endless turns and twists, and run, rushing, in a mad massive dance, race, to no-where. Teach me the point, and what I have been missing. Show me the faces I hid from myself. Show me show me show me. I give myself over I give myself creature of dream take me away now crawl through my window and creep I feel this time ticking cant quite feel you yet but surely soon darling, surely soon you will embrace me again in your purple arms. Love me. Love me. Love me.