Lit Sat November 21, 2015Thank you Nidhogg, for...
Thank you Nidhogg, for helping me find what the blue **** was going WRONG with my thyroid, parathyroid, and You getting rid of the tumors that were on them. I may be a little weaker, but Your fire and zest for life is burning bright in my body. Thank you Great Wyrm!
Lit Wed November 18, 2015Thank you Nidhogg, for...
Thank you Nidhogg, for teaching the importance of rot into renewal. Knowing what to remove, and what to keep. Seeing what requires replacing, and what can be repaired. Hail!
Lit Tue November 17, 2015Hail Nidhogg!
Hail Nidhögg!
Lit Thu November 12, 2015Hail Nidhogg!
Hail Nidhögg!
Lit Wed November 11, 2015Hail Nidhogg!
Hail Nidhögg!
Glory and honour to the Great Dragon.
Thank You.