Hail Nidhögg!
Praise Nidhögg for doing that which none other wishes to do! Thank you for protecting us in the low places, where none will see Your work.
Great honour to You.
Lit Tue February 09, 2016Hail Nidhogg!
Hail Nidhögg!
Thank You Nidhögg, for purifying the rot of the earth to bring about new life in the cycle of creation.
Hail the Great Dragon!
Lit Wed February 03, 2016Thank you Nidhogg, for...
Thank you Nidhogg, for the opportunity to share your gifts of rot, and renewal with others to motivate them to more greatly value what they own. Please continue to eat away the dead flesh to expose the healthy flesh. Hail!
Lit Thu January 28, 2016Hail Nidhogg!
Hail Nidhögg!
Lit Mon January 25, 2016Thank you Nidhogg, for...
Thank you Nidhogg, for devouring all that was holding me back in life.
Hail Great Dragon
Lit Sat January 23, 2016Hail Nidhogg!
Hail Nidhögg, Great Dragon of the Earth!
May You always be honoured.