Thank you Loki, for showing me this shrine. And thanks to those who wrote it. Thanks to those who gathered information and thanks to those who posted them here.
I hail You.
Lit Sun January 13, 2013Loki, please help...
Loki, my beloved, I ask Thee to come as I've asked many times. Please. Listen to my call. Come to me.
Lit Sun January 13, 2013Loki, please help...
Loki, please help me understand you and what is right about your position.
For this, I will strive to act according to what I will have learned (and benefited by) through that better understanding.
Lit Sun January 13, 2013Thank you Loki, for...
Thank you Loki, for being my comfort when I am in pain and the cause of my pain when I am comfortable. My faith and my love seem like paltry gifts in return. Hail to you, Red.
Lit Sun January 13, 2013Thank you Loki, for...
Thank you Loki, for showing me that there is a path, even though it is not this one. Hail.
Lit Sun January 13, 2013Thank you Loki, for...
Thank you Loki, for lighting my way when the world seems to be at its darkest. My love for you is constant, and it grows larger each day.
Lit Sun January 13, 2013Hail Loki!
Hail Loki, my most beloved and chiefest of my tormentors. May Your name ever be spoken in praise, admiration, and joy. I love You with my whole heart.
Lit Sun January 13, 2013Thank you Loki, for...
Thank you, Loki, for the chaos you bring to my life - the chaos that always leads to lessons learned and wisdom earned. Hail Loki Flame-Hair!
Lit Sun January 13, 2013Thank you Loki, for...
Thank you Loki, for allowing me to explore myself and what I believe in- Along with teaching me that a touch of mischeif can be valuable. Hail Loki!
Lit Sun January 13, 2013Thank you Loki, for...
Thank you Loki, for giving me the strength and fire I needed to stand up for myself and my kin. For your wise words and love. Hail The Trickster, Flame Hair, Hail Loki!