Light a Virtual Candle for Jormundgand

Gratitude Praise Request

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Lit Fri August 18, 2023 Hail Jormundgand!

Hail Jörmungandr!
Thank You Jörmundgandr, for the reminder that even as all things end, so is there always a new beginning.
Hail the Great, Wise Serpent!
Praise be to the Sacred World Serpent and Child of Loki!
Lit Wed August 16, 2023 Hail Jormundgand!

Velkominn stóri Miðgarðsormur hafsins og sjávar, Jörmungandr,
Vitið, verndari Miðgarðs,
Drottinn landsins og hafsins,
Heill Jörmungandr!
Lit Tue August 15, 2023 Hail Jormundgand!

Velkominn stóri Miðgarðsormur hafsins og sjávar, Jörmungandr,
Vitið, verndari Miðgarðs,
Drottinn landsins og hafsins,
Heill Jörmungandr!
Lit Mon August 14, 2023 Hail Jormundgand!

Velkominn stóri Miðgarðsormur hafsins og sjávar, Jörmungandr,
Vitið, verndari Miðgarðs,
Drottinn landsins og hafsins,
Heill Jörmungandr!
Lit Fri August 11, 2023 Hail Jormundgand!

Hail Jörmundgandr! Hail to the Living Liminal Space!
Thank You Jörmundgandr, for the reminder that even as all things end, so is there always a new beginning.
Thank You for encircling my sacred space.
Thank You for Your shielding bordering and the adjuvant insights that You grant me.
Thank You for Your quiet blessings and hidden treasures.
Hail the Great, Wise Serpent!
Sleep tight Serpent-Son of the Iron Wood.
Lit Sun August 06, 2023 Thank you Jormundgand, for...

Thank you Jormundgand, Great Serpent, child of Loki. I am a lowly human, unworthy in many ways, foolish in many ways. Yet, I have loved the Gods and have tried to honor your lessons. When my father passed and was nearly lost to the ocean, thank you for sending his body back to the shore. For you too know the pain of separation between parent and child. Thank you for your compassion. I will always hold you highly in my heart.
Lit Sat August 05, 2023 Hail Jormundgand!

At the base of the Great World Sea, sleeps the living liminal space.
Glittering presence ,rising waters.
Secrets of magic, quiet and subtle - silence.
Mysterious serpent, ambiguity itself,hail Jörmungandr !
Thank You , for reminding me,there is no straight line, even as all things end, so is there always a new beginning.
Thank You, Wise One,as You are the forge within the sea of our consciousness.
Thank You, Mystical Miðgarðsormr , for offering Your blessings so that Midgard can feel protected in Your embrace.
Praised be Thou ,Angrboðason,the Great and Holy World Serpent,Child of Loki!
Lit Sun July 30, 2023 Hail Jormundgand!

Velkominn stóri Miðgarðsormur hafsins og sjávar, Jörmungandr,
Vitið, verndari Miðgarðs,
Drottinn landsins og hafsins,
Heill Jörmungandr!
Lit Thu July 27, 2023 Hail Jormundgand!

Velkominn stóri Miðgarðsormur hafsins og sjávar, Jörmungandr,
Vitið, verndari Miðgarðs,
Drottinn landsins og hafsins,
Heill Jörmungandr!
Lit Sun July 23, 2023 Hail Jormundgand!

Velkominn stóri Miðgarðsormur hafsins og sjávar, Jörmungandr,
Vitið, verndari Miðgarðs,
Drottinn landsins og hafsins,
Heill Jörmungandr!
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