Lit Sun July 28, 2013Thank you Jormundgand, for...
Thank you Jormundgand, for bringing me comfort in my times of need, and joy when nothing was needed.
Lit Thu July 18, 2013Thank you Jormundgand, for...
Thank you Jormundgandr, for smooth sailing, even in turbulence.
Lit Wed July 10, 2013Hail Jormundgand!
Hail Jormundgand!
Lit Wed July 03, 2013Hail Jormundgand!
Hail Jörmundgandr, World Serpent!
Lit Sun June 30, 2013Hail Jormundgand!
Hail Jormungandr!!! I love you, master snake! I am forever yours, a lone follower of the serpent's path.
Lit Sat June 22, 2013Jormundgand, please help...
Jormundgand, please help me understand what it is that you're trying to tell me and what it is that you are offering me and what it is that you're asking of me
For this, I will accept whatever it is that you are telling/offering and do whatever it is that you want of me. I love you, and want to know you.