Hail Jörmungandr!
Thank You Jörmundgandr, for the reminder that even as all things end, so is there always a new beginning.
Hail the Great, Wise Serpent!
Praise be to the Sacred World Serpent and Child of Loki!
Lit Sat March 04, 2023Hail Jormundgand!
Hail Great Midgard Serpent of The Seas And The Oceans, Jormungandr,
Wise One, Protector of Midgard,
Ruler of The Land And The Seas,
Hail Jormungandr !
Lit Fri March 03, 2023Hail Jormundgand!
Hail Great Midgard Serpent of The Seas And The Oceans, Jormungandr,
Wise One, Protector of Midgard,
Ruler of The Land And The Seas,
Hail Jormungandr !