Light a Candle for Holda

Light a virtual candle for Holda

Gratitude Praise Request

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Lit Thu March 14, 2019 Thank you Holda, for...

Thank you Holda, for Your patient, unyielding guidance. I am grateful to know You, and may I strive to show that more.
Lit Sun March 10, 2019 Hail Holda!

Hail Holda, Great Goddess of Hearth and Home! May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.
Lit Fri March 01, 2019 Thank you Holda, for...

Thank you Holda!
Lit Sun February 17, 2019 Thank you Holda, for...

Thank you Holda!
Lit Fri February 15, 2019 Thank you Holda, for...

Thank you Holda, for the gift of life, love, happiness.
Lit Tue February 12, 2019 Thank you Holda, for...

Thank you Holda!
Lit Sun February 03, 2019 Hail Holda!

Hail Mother Holda, Noble Lady of Hearth and Home!
Thank You for the abundance in my life even if I don't always see it.
Lit Sun January 20, 2019 Thank you Holda, for...

Thank you Holda, for bringing both the snow and the abundance that I asked for. Blessed Be.
Lit Tue January 15, 2019 Thank you Holda, for...

Thank you Holda, for this beautiful Winter, warm hearth and home.
Lit Sun January 13, 2019 Thank you Holda, for...

Thank you Holda!
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