Threshold Warding with Heimdall
by Galina Krasskova
a magician, one of the most vulnerable parts of the home is the threshold. It
is, both literally and figuratively, the gateway into one’s personal territory
and domain. Inviting someone in, can, in occult terms, give them open access to
do whatever they will. When I was first learning energy work and magic, I was
drilled extensively in certain basic, fundamental techniques: centering,
grounding, cleansing, shielding, and warding.
I was taught to create a shield or filter not only around myself, to
keep out negative garbage, but around my dwelling as well. One of the toughest
places to ward was the threshold, precisely because there is always a lot of in
and out traffic. It’s not a stable barrier and energetically, it’s impossible
to create a stable barrier there.
I experimented with various techniques for years until I had a chat with a Santerian colleague who gave me the following charm. Now, yes, I know, purists will scream that I am contaminating the religion by bringing in external practices. I would disagree. Our ancestors were avid traders and I see nothing wrong with trading for and adapting knowledge; and that is what I have done here.
The purpose of this charm is to ward the threshold of a house or apartment by calling on external aide, i.e. a God. Originally one would call on the Orisha Ogun, who is a powerful Warrior and Hunter. I’m not Santerian so I’m not going to do that (all praise be to Ogun!). Instead, I looked at the charm and what it was meant to accomplish and respectfully adapted it (this is acceptable within Hoodoo, which is not a religion, but a magical tradition that commonly adapts and incorporates various folk practices from different cultures, including Anglo-Saxon and German).
At first, I contemplated how on earth I would incorporate this charm, not being Santerian and not wanting to be disrespectful. Magic is a fluid thing however, and some degree of experimentation is useful. So after long thought and prayer, I decided to call upon Heimdall. He is a Guardsman of Asgard. No one passes the threshold to this mighty world without His say-so. Nothing can sneak past Him, His senses are too keen. Nothing can force its way past Him, He is filled with holy might. Who better to call upon for that most liminal and dangerous of spaces: the passage into one’s home?
Of course, first I sat down and prayed to Heimdall and asked Him respectfully if this was OK. I threw runes and also looked for external omens. Only when all of this came back positively did I proceed.
For this charm, you will need the following:
- a length of chain
- nails (9, 18, or 27)
- straight pins
- some twine or cord to affix the nails and pins to the chain.
- Offerings like cigars, alcohol, etc.
First lay out all of the “ingredients”. Focusing on imbuing the chain with force to ward off any malignant person or energy, affix the pins and nails along the length of the chain. Really charge it as much as you can full of protective power. Focus on it being a weapon designed to protect and defend your home and everything and everyone in it.
Then call upon Heimdall. Pray to Him. Ask Him to bless this charm. Make offerings to Him and respectfully request that He lend His power to the aid of protecting your home. Take a cigar and inhale and blow the smoke out upon the chain several times. Then take a mouthful of alcohol and spit it on the chain several times. This “feeds” the charm, i.e. empowers the chain which has become a living ally. Hang this chain over the lintel of your front door on the inside. Usually, if you choose a narrow chain, it will not be visible once it is pushed back against the wall.
Warding is something that must be maintained in an ongoing fashion. I check my wards regularly. I also make regular offerings to Heimdall in thanks for His help.
To the Guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, I say Hail.
Artwork by Lara.