The Symbolism of Heimdall's Ram
by Galina Krasskova
One of Heimdall’s heiti is Hallinskiði, which is a word for
‘ram.’ From this, we can conclude that the ram is one of His primary sacred
animals. Many of our Gods have animals associated with Them: Odin has His
ravens and wolves (and also eagles and snakes), Freya Her cats (or by some
accounts lynx and wolverines), Thor His goats, etc. Each of these animals has a
rich folklore replete with esoteric symbolism and the ram is no different.
To begin with, the ram is associated with a number of Gods in various traditions, including the Egyptian Amon Ra and Khnum and the Vedic Agni. It’s also the symbol of Aries, the first sign in the zodiac. Being an Aries myself, I’m going to focus a bit on that particular attribution of this animal’s extant symbology. While impetuosity is often seen as an Arien trait, so is immense creativity, fearlessness, passion, fervor, and intellectual brilliance. Aries is associated with the vernal equinox and new beginnings. They stand at the beginning of things, often breaking ground and fighting through opposition to do so. Aries people are said to be extremely forward-looking, which would be a very good trait in a sentry. The ram itself is also a symbol of virility, which would tie in nicely with the story of the Rigsthula, where Heimdall, in the guise of Rig traveled about the earth fathering children!
Rams are interesting creatures. They’re fleet-footed and agile and can navigate rocky areas inaccessible to other creatures. They are known for their extremely keen long range vision, sense of smell and sense of hearing. It goes without saying they also have an enormous sense of balance. You can see why it’s such a perfect animal for Heimdall!
In heraldry, the ram symbolizes authority and power. It may be seen as a sign of leadership, which could easily tie into the traditional Arien roles of warrior and pioneer. The ram is also viewed as a symbol of the sun and specifically of the dawn. This ties in with Heimdall’s image as a shining God, the White As – white as in gleaming with radiant light..
Ram energy is that of vibrant intellect, the trap-like mind that misses nothing. In meditational work, this animal brings new beginnings and opportunities which, if applied to a sentry may assist in developing the ability to see numerous possibilities. There’s no hesitation in the ram: it does what it needs to do to get where it needs to go. No sentimentality. They can make the most of the smallest opportunity.
Heimdall may be viewed as a keeper of the lines of power, a guardian of the cosmic crossroads and what better animal than the Ram when it comes to navigating such cosmic heights?
Artwork Copyright Christopher E Appel, used by permission.