Thank you Eir, for healing my sweet baby. You will have a place at my altar, healing goddess. Seel!! Hail!!!
Lit Sat June 02, 2018Please, Eir
Eir, please help with continued strength for my loved ones and to help my love get better more and more so he can do what he loves and that's play the guitar and I ask for continuing healing for my Moma and dad they both have had a rough go of it lately but I know that you always listen to me
For this, I will light white sage and cleanse my aura and sacred space my home and I will leave you some white wine by my door step outside
Lit Tue May 29, 2018Please, Eir
Eir, please help my step daughter, S. J. C. She has been in the hospital for a week, her insides swollen with what the doctor thinks is portal hypertension. Please heal her and her insides.
For this, I will
Lit Fri May 04, 2018Hail Eir!
Hail Eir
Lit Wed May 02, 2018Hail Eir!
Hail Eir!
Lit Wed April 25, 2018Hail Eir!
Hail Eir!
Lit Wed April 18, 2018Hail Eir!
Hail Eir!
Lit Wed April 11, 2018Hail Eir!
Hail Eir!
Lit Wed April 04, 2018Hail Eir!
Hail Eir!
Lit Wed March 28, 2018Please, Eir
Dear Eir, I ask for your guidance and aid with my sickness.
Hail Eir!