Plea to the All-Mother

by Suki Moyne

O Frigga,Frigga6

Who puts up with Odin,

Is there any greater praise?

I ask you, All-Mother,

Lady of Fensalir,

In your glorious grace,

To teach me to love a warrior

Who will do crazy things for his pet wars.

Teach me to love a strategist

And to force him to be straight with me.

You who stood up for the Lombards

And tricked him into granting them victory,

Teach me to set boundaries with him,

Love him in spite of his nature,

Hold up the lesson when necessary,

But never feel the need to strike at him.

You who waited while he traveled,

Teach me to wait with patience

And with my own life, full of reward,

Until he returns from his crazy travels,

Wild and weary with what he has learned.

Teach me to take him back into my bed,

To mend his hurts, to give him comfort once again,

And then see him back again to his crazy wars

Because I seem to have chosen to love a madman,

Inspired by wod, challenging the tides of Fate.

You who mourned Baldur’s loss,

Let me not turn to hate when his machinations

Rob me of something I value.

Help me to breathe, and keep on loving,

Because someone has to do that job,

And it seems that I am strong enough.

Help me, All-Mother,

To be that strong in the face of my love’s wyrd.


Artwork by Martin Millyver.