35 Adorations to Frigga
I adore you, All-Mother.
I adore you, Queen of Asgard.
I adore you, Lady of Fensalir.
I adore you, Daughter of Fjorgynn.
I adore you, Leader of Handmaidens.
I adore you, Hlidskialf Enthroned.
I adore you, Key-Bearer.
I adore you, Heron-Crowned.
I adore you, Gold-Girdled.
I adore you, Beloved Lady of the Aesir.
I adore you, Head of the Home.
I adore you, Patroness of Marriage.
I adore you, Grieving Mother.
I adore you, Solicitor of Oaths.
I adore you, Harrowed by Mistletoe.
I adore you, Wielder of the Distaff.
I adore you, Cloud-Spinner.
I adore you, Wyrd-Weaver.
I adore you, Divine Midwife.
I adore you, Bearer of Berkana.
I adore you, Lady of Silver Birches.
I adore you, Frith-keeper.
I adore you, Domestic Goddess.
I adore you, Guardian of the Hearth.
I adore you, Bearer of the Mead of Hospitality.
I adore you, Protectress of Families.
I adore you, Comforter of Children.
I adore you, Keeper of Odin's Secrets.
I adore you, Silent Seer.
I adore you, Patient Partner of a Wanderer.
I adore you, She who Soothes the Wandering King.
I adore you, Cunning Wife and Warrior in the Battle of Words.
I adore you, Lady of the Langobards.
I adore you, One Who Smiles on the Lowly.
I adore you, Throne-Guardian Alongside Brothers.