Light a Candle for Forseti 

Gratitude Praise Request

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Lit Sat December 14, 2024 Forseti, please help...

Forseti, please help making my neighbour stop blasting music and stop bothering us. And make they move away from here as soon as possible. We cannot stand them any longer. They been making noise, stalking and harassing us for awhile, please make them stop and go away.

For this, I will be more fair a justice in my daily life and praise you. Thank you Lord Forseti.
Lit Thu December 05, 2024 Forseti, please help...

Hail Forseti, just and wise Lord. I am praying on behalf of my dear friend Brian, who will face trial next week. Please help the jury see what is so plain to all who know Brian that this was a terrible accident and not a crime that will be repeated of Brian is granted freedom. Please help the jury see through the manipulations of the prosecutor who has doggedly stuck to a black-and-white version of the story despite the wishes of the victim who never wanted this trial to happen, and who is being forced to testify against her will.
For this I will give you gifts and light candles and honor you. My sincere Thanks.
Lit Sat November 23, 2024 Thank you Forseti, for...

Thank you Forseti, for the justice that you have given me
Lit Thu November 21, 2024 Thank you Forseti, for...

Thank you Forseti, for for everything you have provided
Lit Fri November 15, 2024 Forseti, please help...

Forseti, please help me out of the pit others have dug for me

For this, I will praise you
Lit Fri November 08, 2024 Thank you Forseti, for...

Thank you Forseti, for everything you provided!
Lit Fri November 08, 2024 Thank you Forseti, for...

Thank you Forseti, for everything you provided!
Lit Fri November 08, 2024 Forseti, please help...

Forseti, please help with the injustices that have been handed down to me by the constant blaming of families, strangers, and friends and acquaintances for the way that I have been forced to live, manipulated, forced, misunderstood, mocked and abused, freakishly. If there was any knowledge to glean from it, it was impossible to glean due to the mistakes seeming harsher to more people than they should have at a greater intensity than they should have. I have done all I can to contribute to society, be a good wife and even considered being a potential mother. I have tried to help those less fortunate than me, however with this situation with my estranged husband, Zachary Myles, I have not been able to instill justice, it seems he’s been taken from me at just the most inappropriate times. Someone has been keeping me from the light of my life and the life in it, due to assumptions. Others, due to cincunstances posed upon me when I was 13, have been stealing from me and brining me up to bring me down. I have reached the end of my limit. There is something that makes me constantly see failure and pain.

Please correct this injustice that keeps me failing at a game I never created and did not ask to play. I have endured enough to create more destruction that I rightfully do not wish upon at least simple strangers.

I had luck, love, happiness, good fortune, but some made it a game of turning others on their heads. Please make fair and quick judgement regarding the obstacles I’m facing. They seem insurmountable, and catastrophically, blindingly tragic, injust, violent, petty and unfair considering the way I was taught, the way I worshipped, the way I prayed, the opportunities I had, the skills I used, the wealth I’ve had and the vast intelligence i had. I suffered many a time for no reason and was tortured and or lived under torturous living conditions. Please reunite me with Dylan or Zachary Myles, my separated husband. I had too many chances to do good that were taken as serious and too many awful moments of outburst that were inflicted upon me, and caused things outside of my behavioral repertoire. My wrongs pale in comparison to the punishment and torture ive endured. I’ve been blamed for things that are physically impossible and taken advantage of. I’ve had debt put in my name, lies told, my name made into a curse, etc… Please right these wrongs and allow me to live with free will every day and a healthy love life as well as friends I can trust. Otherwise if it is not possible, give me an easy way out and an easy existence, comfortable with my pet. They don’t care about justice.

For this, I will follow the law of nines as best as possible until I die.
Lit Fri November 08, 2024 Thank you Forseti, for...

Thank you for your judgment in my free will coming back! It means so much to me! More than I can gather.
Lit Fri November 08, 2024 Hail Forseti!

Thank you for your judgment in my free will coming back! It means so much to me! More than I can gather.
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