Excellence (For Skoll)
by Seawalker
In order to know that you are the best,
You must have someone to go up against,
A sparring partner, a wall to transcend,
Someone who knows the game,
Who appreciates the competition.
Someone who will take it seriously
Enough to make it a real test.
Those who watch on the outside,
They think, what violence! There can be
No friendship there. I suppose they are
Not ones who spar for sport,
Who race like it was ecstasy,
And need something to race against.
They do not understand the value
Of one who is not afraid
To strike back with all their might
And help you to prove your excellence.
And after all, who would I be
If I was not the best thing in the skies?
Every fine sword comes to love the whetstone
After the battering of the daily fight.
Artwork by TwaRavenMotifs.