Invocation to Nanna
by Shannon Graves
to the maiden who came up from the dark,
And returned to the greater dark,
All for love.
Pale jewel of the caverns of Nidavellir,
Borne of the caged Valkyrie,
Sister of the Apple-maiden’s chosen,
Borne across the waves to Asgard.
Plain maiden quiet and shy,
Bewildered by her good fortune
To be loved by the Brightest One,
Taking the ring of the Sacred Bride,
Not knowing what that ring must mean.
Maiden lost in the shadow of his light,
Knowing only how to love with all your heart,
Your gift ignored by all but your beloved,
Until the day he died.
You held him through the dreams of terror,
You took hope desperately from his mother’s voice,
You prayed every night
Despite the worm of fear in your belly
That Wyrd itself might be turned aside.
Hail, bride of Baldur who saw him cut down
And slew yourself to be by his side,
For in the end your love was such
That nothing could stop you from following.
Hail to Nanna, Bright One’s shadow,
Caught to his heel and his heart.