Light a Candle for Andvari

Light a virtual candle for Andvari

Gratitude Praise Request

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Lit Tue January 01, 2013 Thank you Andvari, for...

Thank you Andvari.

May I never forget Your lessons.
Lit Tue January 01, 2013 Thank you Andvari, for...

Thank you Andvari, for

My Needs are met, no Need to fret has been my mantra in 2012.
Thank you for sending that song.
Thank you for guiding me through that leanest of years.
Lit Tue January 01, 2013 Thank you Andvari, for...

Thank you Andvari for teaching me, again and again, the usefulness and sacredness of caring for one's money. Thank you for Your patience, teacher, as I go through Your lessons. Hail!
Lit Tue January 01, 2013 Thank you Andvari, for...

Thank you Andvari, for everything, all the blessings you have given me. May I honor You always with my deeds. May I honor You well. Hail
Lit Mon December 31, 2012 Hail Andvari!

Hail Andvari! Hail to the Master Craftsman! May my work be deemed one hundredth as fine as your craft.
Lit Sun December 23, 2012 Hail Andvari!

Hail Andvari! Hail to the Duergar-Lord whose hands bring forth beauty!
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