Hati Moonchaser in the New World Order
by S. Reicher
In the new world order,
Everyone must have their place,
Every creature that shifts its shape
Must justify its right to live.
In the new world order
Every creature must have a job
Useful to the ruling tribe.
So I gave Him one,
This ancient wolf,
Friend and warrior companion
Of my youth.
It's easy enough to let them think
That I am gentle, playful, and sweet,
eccentric, they say
Or mad.
It is easy enough to let them think
Me prone to wandering off my course,
A course that only I have the power to tend.
I do wander sometimes.
What is it to them?
Their worlds will not end;
I know how to accomplish things
From a distance.
But it was easier and far more cost-efficient
To appear harmless, eccentric, and weak;
In need of a companion
Or goad
That I might stay the course.
We must have order now.
Everything in its place.
The moon can't be allowed
To go a-wandering.
So he and I play this game
Though once long ago
He ran at my side.
And no one cares
What secrets we whisper
Into the desperate ears
Of hungry minds
And hollow hearts
Just waiting to be filled
With our magic.
Does no one think to ask on what side I will stand
Should Ragnarok ever truly come?
I saw their order created.
I know its pattern, its rhythm, its form.
I know the secret of its unmaking.
I am not so tired of war,
that I have forgotten all my skills.
But for now, the wolf and I play our game.
There is a certain peace in the chase.
Artwork by TwaRavenMotifs.